Warung Bebas

Kamis, 21 Februari 2013

Windows 7 Home Premium SP1

Hai Sobat Blogger,,,

Diartikel kali ini aku mau sharing link download untuk windows 7 Home Premium. Jika Sobat blogger masih ada yang belum memiliki file iso windows 7 Home premium ini bisa download disini ya.
Dan sobat blogger semua pasti sudah banyak yang tau tentang windows 7, jadi saya tidak perlu lagi menjelaskan panjang lebar tentang windows 7. Langsung Ke Tkp Aja ya...

Link Download

Semoga bermanfaat ya..
Indahnya Berbagi..

Salam Blogger..!!!

Windows 7 Ultimate SP1

Hai Sobat Blogger..
Kali ini saya mau share link download untuk Windows 7 Ultimate. Jika diantara Sobat Blogger masih banyak yang mencari Windows 7 Ultimate bisa download disini.
Nah, Langsung Menuju Tkp Aj ya.

Link Download

Windows 7 Ultimate (x86) | SP1 | 2.38 Gb 

Windows 7 Ultimate (x64) | SP1 | 3.09 Gb

Semoga bermanfaat ya.
Indahnya Berbagi

Salam Blogger...!!!

Windows 7 Professional SP1

Hai Sobat Blogger...
Kali ini aku mau share link download untuk Windows 7 Professional. Soalnya saya liat masih banyak yang mencari windows 7 dari pada Windows 8 Makanya aku Share link Download untuk Windows 7.
Kalau masih ada saja yang mencari yang namanya windows 7 bisa download disini ya. Jadi Diartikel kali ini aku ga perlu menjelaskan detail tentang windows 7 ya,soalnya pasti sobat blogger sudah pada mengerti..Nah,jika kalian tertarik, Langsung Download aj ya..

Link Download

Semoga bermanfaat ya...
Indahnya Berbagi..

Salam Blogger..!!

Internet Download Manager 6.15 Build 3 + Pacth

Hai Sobat Blogger Semua...
Sebelumnya aku telah memposting Internet Download Manager 6.15 untuk sobat blogger semua. Dan Kali ini aku mau share updatetan terbaru dari Internet Download Manager 6.15 itu yaitu Internet Download Manager 6.15 Build 3.
Karena Pihak developer telah menemukan bug dan melakukan perbaikan makanya mucul lah updatetan terbaru dari Internet Download Manager 6.15 ini. Nah, ga usah banyak basa- basi lagi dech. Langsung aj ke Tkp ya...

Dibawah ini adalah perbaikan yang dilakukan pihak development IDM.
Changes in 6.15 Build 3 :
- Added support for Firefox 21
- Fixed a critical bug with processing some types of redirects
- Resolved problems when displaying "Download progress" dialog tabs with large windows fonts
- Fixed a bug with the download progress bar showing download threads when resuming zip files

Link Download

Kalau bisa bantu dishare ya.. Hanya kalian lah yang bisa membantu dalam perkembangan blog SoftPcDownloads ini. Dan Jika Link Download Ada yang mati silahkan Memberikan komentar dibawah ya...

Indahnya Berbagi...

Salam Blogger..!!!

Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

Windows 8

Hai Blogger semua...!!!
Diartikel kali ini aku masu share Link Download untuk Windows 8. Di Artikel ini tersedia beberapa Jenis Windows 8 seperti yang akan kalian lihat dibawah.
Ada Sedikit testimonial dari WIKIPEDIA:

Windows 8 is the current release of the Windows operating system, produced by Microsoft for use on personal computers, including home and business desktops, laptops, tablets, and home theater PCs. Development of Windows 8 started before the release of its predecessor in 2009. Its existence was first announced at CES 2011, and followed by the release of three pre-release versions from September 2011 to May 2012. The operating system was released to manufacturing on August 1, 2012, and was released for general availability on October 26, 2012.

Windows 8 introduces significant changes to the operating system's platform, primarily focused towards improving its user experience on mobile devices such as tablets to rival other mobile operating systems like Android and iOS, taking advantage of new or emerging technologies like USB 3.0, UEFI firmware, near field communications, cloud computing and the low-power ARM architecture, new security features such as malware filtering, built-in antivirus capabilities, a new installation process optimized for digital distribution, and support for secure boot (a UEFI feature which allows operating systems to be digitally signed to prevent malware from altering the boot process), the ability to synchronize certain apps and settings between multiple devices, along with other changes and performance improvements. Windows 8 also introduces a new shell and user interface based on Microsoft's "Metro" design language, featuring a new Start screen with a grid of dynamically updating tiles to represent applications, a new app platform with an emphasis on touchscreen input, and the new Windows Store to obtain and/or purchase applications to run on the operating system.

Kalau begitu, langsung download aj ya...Oks. Dan Kalau bisa dishare donk biar semakin semangat untuk mengurus blog ini. Cekidot:

Link Download :

Windows 8 (x86) English
File Name: en_windows_8_x86_dvd_915417.iso
SHA1: 22D680EC53336BEE8A5B276A972CEBA104787F62

Windows 8 (x64) English
File Name: en_windows_8_x64_dvd_915440.iso
SHA1: 1CE53AD5F60419CF04A715CF3233F247E48BEEC4

Windows 8 Pro VL (x86) English
File Name: en_windows_8_pro_vl_x86_dvd_917830.iso
SHA1: 548AB51161FD83B889596B143D86C1EEB61EF2D0

Windows 8 Pro VL (x64) English
File Name: en_windows_8_pro_vl_x64_dvd_917699.iso
SHA1: 6DDEDEBE40AB59CB11823F62F475C43C4053FE60

Windows 8 Enterprise (x86) English
File Name: en_windows_8_enterprise_x86_dvd_917587.iso
SHA1: FEFCE3E64FB9EC1CC7977165328890CCC9A10656

Windows 8 Enterprise (x64) English
File Name: en_windows_8_enterprise_x64_dvd_917522.iso
SHA1: 4EADFE83E736621234C63E8465986F0AF6AA3C82

Windows 8 N (x86) English
File Name: en_windows_8_n_x86_dvd_916097.iso
SHA1: D61ABA4080FA2E3C580B85632D4318676262C0A1

Windows 8 N (x64) English
File Name: en_windows_8_n_x64_dvd_916091.iso
SHA1: 774EE8E02E5473387DD3D3471D99E22B6DE5B2D5

Windows 8 Pro N VL (x86) English
File Name: en_windows_8_pro_n_vl_x86_dvd_918877.iso
SHA1: 76C7D94B5685E33E86C13DE2B30EBE18B9DB6290

Windows 8 Pro N VL (x64) English
File Name: en_windows_8_pro_n_vl_x64_dvd_918677.iso
SHA1: A158F608A7080F4566F671D9D45136A51A2C53B2

Windows 8 Enterprise N (x86) English
File Name: en_windows_8_enterprise_n_x86_dvd_918707.iso
SHA1: 4978D608DAE0EC468553032FD63B97A4951FE42C

Windows 8 Enterprise N (x64) English
File Name: en_windows_8_enterprise_n_x64_dvd_918052.iso

NB: Jika ada link yang mati silahkan berikan komentar dibawah ya..Supaya aku bisa update link terbarunya. Kalau bukan kalian siapa lagi yang mengingatkan...??? HEHEHE...

Salam Blogger.

Award Ke-4 Dari Sahabat Blogger MarnesKliker

Hai Sobat Blogger..

Ternyata Di Bulan Februari ini adalah hari kebanggaan buat Saya (Ade) dan SoftPcDownloads yang masih diberi kepercayaan untuk mendapatkan Award bergilir Dari Sahabat Blogger didunia. Award yang aku dapatkan kali ini merupakan Award yang Ke-4 Dari Sahabat Blogger MarnesKliker.
Dengan adanya Award ini, Saya semakin semangat dan yakin untuk terus berkarya. Dan tidak akan pernah lupa untuk terus menjalin tali silaturahmi ke sesama Blogger Didunia.

Selain aku mendapatkan Award, aku juga diberi kesempatan untuk membagikan Award ini  ke 10 Sobat Blogger lainnya. Jadi bagi sobat Blogger yang mendapatkan Award ini dari aku, sangat disarankan untuk melanjutkan Award bergilir ke 10 Sobat Blogger lainnya.

Inilah List Sobat Blogger selanjutnya yang mendapatkan Award:

Bagi Yang Mendapatkan Award ini Aku ucapkan Selamat juga ya...
Indahnya Berbagi...

Salam Blogger...!!!

Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

Kakao Talk For Android SmartPhone

Hai Sobat Blogger semua..

Diartikel kali ini aku mau share sebuah aplikasi chatting untuk android yaitu Kakao Talk untuk sobat blogger yang memakai Android Smartphone.
Kakao Talk ini bisa dibilang sama persis dengan aplikasi chat waatsup yang bisa chatting dan melakukan free call kepada sesama pengguna Kakao Talk (tarif call menggunakan bandwith internet di hp bukan dari pulsa ya.. jadi ga perlu takut kehabisan pulsa..HEHEHE...). Tapi, Dikakao Talk ini lebih menarik dibandingkan dengan waatsup, kenapa begitu..?? karena diKakao Talk memiliki fitur emoticon yang sangat menarik dan lucu - lucu. Jadi jika kita menggunakan emoticonya aj sudah bisa tersampaikan pesan atau perasaan kita kepada yang dituju tanpa harus mengetik text yang  panjang dan ga jelas yang buat jari capek. Penasaran bukan...??? Dibawah aku sediain Screen Shoot penampakan dari Kakao Talk ini :

Nah, bagi sobat yang tertarik untuk bisa menggunakan aplikasi Kakao Talk ini bisa langsung menuju TKP Download:

Link Download

NB: Kalau bisa waktu register nanti masukan id Kakao Talk aku dibox inviternya ya... id kakao talk aku blackhawktm. Soalnya Pihak Developer KAKAO TALKnya lagi menawarkan hadiah bagi siapa yang bisa mengajak orang lain memakai aplikasi ini. Dan  mendapatkan hadiah2 yang menarik loh. Kalau Sobat ikutan program ini bisa juga melakukan cara seperti aku.

Semoga bermanfaat aplikasi Kakao Talk ini buat sobat.
Indahnya Berbagi..

Salam Blogger...!!!

Senin, 18 Februari 2013

Award Ke-3 Dari Sobat Jefan

Tidak Dapat dipungkiri lagi rasa haru ini semakin menjadi ketika blog SoftPcDownloads ini masih mendapatkan kepercayaan untuk mendapatkan award dari sobat blogger Masalah Pria. Dan kali ini adalah Award yang ke-3 Dari Sobat Jefan pemilik Blog Masalah Pria.Hanya memperbanyak terima kasih lah yang bisa dilakukan saat ini untuk mengutarakan rasa bahagia.

Penghargaan ini dapat menjadi simbol untuk semakin mempererat persahabatan kita sesama blogger dan menjadi pemicu untuk terus berkarya melalui blog.

Untuk tidak memutus mata rantai persahabatan diantara blogger, mohon kesedian sobat blooger untuk menerima award ini. Selanjutnya saya mendedikasikan Award ini kepada sobat :

1. http://nurcahyaku10.blogspot.com/

2. http://www.niabalishop.com/

3. http://blogwalking.co/

4. http://kepeslapunk.lapunk.hu/

5. http://kreasiisengmiti.blogspot.com/

6. http://anginskk.blogspot.com/

7. http://cintakusumanegara.blogspot.com/

8. http://chombrosshare.blogspot.com/

9. http://www.karga.gr/

10. http://cobacoba-tutorial.blogspot.com/

Bagi yang mendapatkan award Selanjutnya Selamat ya..

SAlam Blogger...!!!

CCleaner v3.27 Professional & Business Edition

Hai Sobat Blogger...

Diartikel Kali ini aku mau share sebuah aplikasi Pembersih registry dikomputer dan history dibrowser yaitu CCleaner. Nah, pasti sobat blogger semua udah banyak kan yang memakai CCleaner ini....?? Disinilah aku mau memberikan update terbaru dari aplikasi ini.
Pihak Pririform telah merilis CCleaner v3.27. Jadi kl kalian tertarik untuk mengupdate CCleaner jadul ke versi CCleaner v3.27 ini. Langsung aja Ke Tkp ya..

Features Dari CCleaner v3.27 :

CCleaner is our system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. Additionally it contains a fully featured registry cleaner. But the best part is that it's fast (normally taking less than a second to run) and contains NO Spyware or Adware!

Cleans the following:
Internet Explorer
Temporary files, history, cookies, super cookies, Autocomplete form history, index.dat files.

Temporary files, history, cookies, super cookies, download history, form history.

Google Chrome
Temporary files, history, cookies, super cookies, download history, form history.

Temporary files, history, cookies, super cookies, download history.

Temporary files, history, cookies, super cookies, form history.

Other Supported Browsers
K-Meleon, Rockmelt, Flock, Google Chrome Canary, Chromium, SeaMonkey, Chrome Plus, SRWare Iron, Pale Moon, Phoenix, Netscape Navigator, Avant and Maxthon.

Recycle Bin, Recent Documents, Temporary files, Log files, Clipboard, DNS Cache, Error Reporting, Memory Dumps, Jump Lists.

Registry Cleaner
Advanced features to remove unused and old entries, including File Extensions, ActiveX Controls, ClassIDs, ProgIDs, Uninstallers, Shared DLLs, Fonts, Help Files, Application Paths, Icons, Invalid Shortcuts and more...

Third-party applications
Removes temp files and recent file lists (MRUs) from many apps including Windows Media Player, eMule, Google Toolbar, Microsoft Office, Nero, Adobe Acrobat, WinRAR, WinAce, WinZip and many more...

100% Spyware FREE
This software does NOT contain any Spyware, Adware or Viruses.

Link Download

CCleaner v3.27 Professional & Business Edition

Semoga Bermanfaat ya...
Indahnya Berbagi...

Salam Blogger...!!!

Revo Uninstaller Pro 3.0.2 + Crack

Hai Sobat Blogger,,

Kali ini aku mau share sebuah aplikasi yang bernama Revo Uninstaller Pro 3.0.2. Pasti sobat blogger sekalian sudah ada yang memakai aplikasi Revo Uninstaller Pro 3.0.2 kan..??
Nah,kali ini aku mau share versi terbarunya. Jika sobat blogger ada yang berminat bisa lihat featured - featured yang ada di Revo Uninstaller Pro 3.0.2 terbaru ini dibawah :

Main Features of Revo Uninstaller Pro 3.0.2 :

The Uninstaller tool lists the installed programs and components for all and current user. With a choice of views, as well as a context menu, information on program components is available: program properties, their registry entries and links to manufacturer's web site, for a start. The "Search" option finds installed applications just by typing the first few letters of their name. Revo Uninstaller Pro scans for leftovers with even more advanced algorithms that are so precise, fast and very effective in search for leftovers of Windows Services, Drivers, File associations, Shell Extensions, COM components, Windows Installer components, program settings and more!

 Forced Uninstall
Revo Uninstaller Pro has a very powerful feature called Forced Uninstall. This feature allows you to remove leftovers of programs that are already uninstalled, incomplete installations and uninstall remnants of programs! It does not matter if the program, you want to remove, is not listed in Revo Uninstaller Pro or in Windows Add/Remove Programs Control Panel applet. Forced Uninstall gives power to the user but still keeps the safety and the accuracy of the results. It is very useful when the installation is corrupted and cannot continue further. Forced Uninstall is the best solution when you have to remove partially installed programs, partially uninstalled programs, and programs not listed as installed at all.

Another way to uninstall a program with Revo Uninstaller Pro or few programs at once is to use the Quick Uninstall command. The sequence of actions is similar to the regular Uninstall command of Revo Uninstaller Pro, but when it comes to the step where you have to review and delete the leftovers, the Quick Uninstall operation deletes the leftovers automatically reporting to you the number of deleted leftovers; and in case you have selected more than one program for uninstall, automatically starts the uninstall of the next selected program

 Real-Time Installation Monitor
Revo Uninstaller Pro has a feature that allows monitoring of installation of a program. It detects system changes during that installation and the process is done in real time – simultaneously! Real-Time installation monitor is the most advanced and innovative technology used today! This technology is unique among the rest of the uninstallers. That is why it offers the easiest and the fastest way to monitor installations, so when the program is no longer needed the system changes made by the installation of the monitored program could be fully reverted as the program has never been installed before! It is so easy to use that requires only 3 mouse clicks to accomplish the whole process!

 Logs Database
This is a database of logs of traced programs through the monitoring module of Revo Uninstaller Pro made and managed by Revo Uninstaller Pro's team. That logs are stored on our web server and you can easily (with one click only) use them to uninstall programs or to uninstall leftovers of already uninstalled program. Using a log from the Logs Database is the same as if you have made the log and traced the program by yourself. So, even installing Revo Uninstaller Pro on a fully loaded computer with a lot of installed programs, you can take an advantage of the possibility for better and complete uninstall using the logs from the Logs Database, as you only have to search for the program you want to uninstall and select Uninstall command.

 Manage installation logs
You have a full control over the traced logs. You can edit their data and properties, export or import a log to your Revo Uninstaller Pro.The Edit command let you see all traced changes on hte file system and Registry. The Export and Import Log commands let you share logs with anybody using Revo Uninstaller Pro quite easily thus being sure you are doing the ultimate uninstall of the programs you have installed. For example, if you have problems uninstalling Program A or just want to do a better uninstall of Program A and a friend of yours has installed and traced the same program and has a log, he can just export the log and send it to you. You can import it and use it to uninstall the program as just as if you have traced it.

 Multi-Level Backup System
Revo Uninstaller Pro creates backups of removed registry keys, values, files and folders. Backup Manager is the main part of that system. It helps you to manage backup information stored by Revo Uninstaller Pro after deletion registry entries, files and folders.
The other levels of the backup system are:
Creating system restore point before each uninstall
Full Registry backup before each uninstall
Full Registry backup once each day Revo Uninstaller Pro is started

 Hunter Mode
This is a special, innovative feature of Revo uninstaller which indeed has two sub modes – Hunter mode and Drag and drop mode. This mode is giving you a flexibility to uninstall applications with one click (stop or delete) by simply dragging and dropping program icons to the Hunter icon or by dragging the Hunter window, with the mouse cursor, over desktop icons, quick launch toolbar, in the system tray or to the open program's window.

 Junk Files Cleaner
Junk Files Cleaner allows you to find and remove various types of junk and unnecessary files from your computer. Junk files are created by many of the Windows applications. Normally, such files are deleted by the application that created them as soon as they do not need them, but they may remain permanently on your hard drive if there is an unexpected termination of the parent application, a system crash, etc. Cleaning junk temporary files will free a lot of hard disk space.

 Windows Tools
There are a lot of handy and useful tools and components bundled with every Windows operating system. Unfortunately, some have complex command line options and others are just plain difficult to access. The Revo Uninstaller feature Windows Tools gives fast, one-click access to more than ten Windows utilities used in daily PC management. Available tools are: System Restore, Network Diagnostics, Network Information, Security Center, System Properties, System Information, TCP/IP Netstat Command, On-Screen Keyboard, Disk Defragmenter, Services, Shared Folders, Group Policy.

 Autorun Manager
Auto Run Manager allows you to manage programs which load automatically at Windows startup.With this tool you can not only enable or disable applications from auto starting at Windows startup, but you can also get more detailed information about them, e.g. the program’s publisher, description, launch path (where it is saved on your computer), status of the application (if it’s running or not) and more. Stopping programs from automatically starting will increase the speed of loading your Windows.

 Browsers Cleaner
Your browser records detailed record of every web site you’ve ever visited. It’s easily accessible from your browser window and by simply pressing a button, anyone can see where you’ve been browsing on the web! Revo Uninstaller erases web site history of web browsers including Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape and Opera. With Browsers Cleaner you can also delete temporary internet files which include all the images you’ve viewed, all the online videos you’ve watched and all the web pages you’ve visited. Deleting temporary internet files will free up a lot of valuable hard disk space on your computer.

 MS Office Cleaner
MS Office Cleaner allows you to remove history of most recently used files in MS Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint and Front Page. If you do not want somebody else to see your last opened or edited spreadsheets, documents or other files created using MS Office just select those you do not want and click Clear.Your most recently used files will no more be listed.

 Windows Cleaner
Microsoft Windows keeps tracks of many things that you do with your computer like file search history when you search for file and folders; recently opened document history; open/save history used in standard open/save dialogs from different applications installed on your computer; start menu clicks history; last opened registry key history and more.

Evidence Remover
Deleting your files and folders does not mean that they are gone forever. When you empty Windows Recycle Bin your files and folders are just marked as deleted but they are not erased physically. There is a chance to recover deleted data from 10 years or older PC and this data may be very important and confidential. With any recovery tool or un-delete program you can easily get back your important documents and other files that you have deleted. And here comes Evidence Remove tool of Revo Uninstaller.

Unrecoverable Delete
If you want securely delete file or folder and want to be sure that no body with any tool could recover these files or folders use Unrecoverable Delete. Deleting files and emptying Windows Recycle Bin does not mean that these files are gone forever. They are still on your Hard Disk Drive or other storage but marked as deleted. Any body with a tool available free or commercial could recover deleted data very easily. Unrecoverable Delete tool of Revo Uninstaller tool makes it impossible to recover your deleted data - even with the most advanced and expensive tools on the market.

Revo Uninstaller Pro support the following
Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Bulgarian, Chinese (Simplified, Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hellenic, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Kurdish, Macedonian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese-Brazil, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese

Link Download tersedia dibawah. Revo Uninstaller Pro 3.0.2 ini masih trial version, tapi sobat blogger tenang saja. karena aku juga menyediakan crack untuk Revo Uninstaller Pro 3.0.2 ini. Langsung aj ke TKP sob..

Link Download:

Jika Link Ada yang mati atau rusak, silahkan memberikan komentar dibawah. Semoga aplikasi ini bermanfaat untuk sobat blogger sekalian.

Indahnya berbagi.

Salam Blogger...!!!

Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

Spesifikasi Untuk menggunakan Windows 8

Hai Sobat Blogger...

Diartikel kali ini aku akan membahas Minimum Spesifikasi untuk bisa menggunakan Windows 8. Karena Aku melihat sobat blogger semua masih banyak yang ragu untuk beralih kewindows 8 karena tkut Komputer / Laptop Sobat tidak memenuhi Minimum Requirements untuk dapat menginstal Windows 8.
Sebenernya spesifikasi kebutuhannya hampir sama saat kamu menginstal Windows 7 tidak ada perbedaan sama sekali. Malahan kl bisa dibilang Windows 8 ini lebih simple Minimum Requirementsnya dibandingkan Windows 8. Dan kl dibandingkan lagi Windows 8 ini lebih ringan dan stabil dibandingkan dengan Windows 7 yang memaksa kita untuk mengupgrade RAM. Kenapa Demikian, Karena Diwindows 8 ini telah menghilangkan fitur Aero Glass DiWindows 7 yang bisa dibilang memberatkan kinerja Dekstop dan memenuhi ruang  Kinerja RAM.Dan yang lebih bagusnya lagi, Drivers-Drivers Komputer/ Laptop yang digunakan pada Windows 7 pun kompatibel untuk digunakan di Windows 8. Palingan Cuma Upgrade Driver Grafic Doank. Tapi Kl bisa Sebelum melakukan Proses Flash Ulang Windows Disarankan untuk Membackup Drivernya ya.!!

Nah, Berikut ini adalah Minimun Requirments Untuk Bisa Menginstall Windows 8:
  • Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster
  • RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) (Windows 32-bit) 
  • Hard disk space: 16 GB (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
  • Graphics card: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device or higher
  • To use touch, you need a tablet or monitor that supports multitouch
  • To access Windows Store and to download and run apps, you need an active Internet connection and a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768
  • To snap apps, you need a screen resolution of at least 1366 x 768
Kalo RAM Komputer/Laptop Kamu masih dibawah 2Giga lebih baik menggunakan windows 8 yang 32bit aj ya...biar lebih stabil dan lancar...

Jika Sobat Semua Ada yang tertarik dan ingin mencicipi yang namanya Windows 8 Bisa Download Disini

Semoga Informasi ini Sangat berguna untuk sobat blogger semua..

Indahnya Berbagi...
Salam Blogger...!!!!

Award Ke-1 dan Ke-2 dari Sobat Blogger

Hai Sobat Blogger,

Baru ditinggal 1 hari ternyata Blog SoftpcDownloads ini mendapatkan 2 buah award sekaligus dari Blog sahabat  Sarifpbg Dan Prayoga03.
Saat sedang asyik memberikan kunjungan balik ternyata Blog Sahabat ini sedang membagikan award kepada blog2 terpilih dan alhamdulillahnya lagi,  blog SoftPcDownloads ini termasuk di dalam urutan nama blog yang akan mendapatkan Award berikutnya.
Alhamdulillah ya Sesuatu banget...Award dari sobat Sarifpbg Dan Prayoga03 berbagi ini merupakan award ke 1 Dan 2 yang saya terima selama blogging.

Inilah 2 Buah Award Yang Didapat....

Award Dari Sobat Sarifpbg

Award Dari Sobat Prayoga03

Sobat Sarifpbg Dan Prayoga03 membagikan award ini dengan syarat menjawab 10 pertanyaan dari nya..

Saya akan menjawab pertanyaan dari nya:
1. Warna Favorit
  • Abu - Abu
2. Hewan Favorit
  • Harimau Putih
3. Nomor Favorit
  • 87
4. Minuman Favorit
  • Kopi Susu 
5. Facebook atau Twitter
  • Facebook
6. Passion
  • Apa Saja
7. Dikasih or Ngasih hadiah
  • Dikasih Atau ngasih sama aja bagi aku. Asalkan kita menjalankan dua2nya dengan rasa ikhlas.
8. Aktivitas Tubuh Favorit
  • Sport Jari ( Bermain Gitar )
9. Hari favorit dalam seminggu
  • Sabtu
10. Bunga favorit
  • Bunga Melati
Dan sesuai perintah dari sobat Sarifpbg Dan Prayoga03 yaitu harus membagikan nya lagi ke 10 penerima selanjutnya maka admin akan membagikan award ini selanjutnya ke 10 sobat blogger di bawah ini :

1. http://blogedek.blogspot.com/

2. http://baztneverfear.blogspot.com/

3. http://sangmastervirus.blogspot.com/

4. http://www.modernw4r3.com/

5. http://kreasiisengmiti.blogspot.com/


7. http://cintakusumanegara.blogspot.com/

8. http://chombrosshare.blogspot.com/

9. http://blogger-kudu.blogspot.com/

10. http://www.ysvcybers.blogspot.com/

Sekali Lagi Saya mau berterimakasih kepada Sobat Sarifpbg Dan Prayoga03 yang telah memberikan Award ke Blog SoftPcDownloads. Terima KAsih...Dan Untuk Yang mendapatkan Award Berikutnya Selamat ya...

Revo Uninstaller Pro 3.0.1 + Crack

Hai Sobat Blogger,,

Kali ini aku mau share sebuah aplikasi yang bernama Revo Uninstaller Pro 3.0.1. Pasti sobat blogger sekalian sudah ada yang memakai aplikasi Revo Uninstaller Pro 3.0.1 kan..?? Nah,kali ini aku mau share versi terbarunya. Jika sobat blogger ada yang berminat bisa lihat featured - featured yang ada di Revo Uninstaller Pro 3.0.1 terbaru ini dibawah :

Main Features of Revo Uninstaller Pro 3.0.1 :

  • The Uninstaller tool lists the installed programs and components for all and current user. With a choice of views, as well as a context menu, information on program components is available: program properties, their registry entries and links to manufacturer's web site, for a start. The "Search" option finds installed applications just by typing the first few letters of their name. Revo Uninstaller Pro scans for leftovers with even more advanced algorithms that are so precise, fast and very effective in search for leftovers of Windows Services, Drivers, File associations, Shell Extensions, COM components, Windows Installer components, program settings and more! 
 Forced Uninstall
  • Revo Uninstaller Pro has a very powerful feature called Forced Uninstall. This feature allows you to remove leftovers of programs that are already uninstalled, incomplete installations and uninstall remnants of programs! It does not matter if the program, you want to remove, is not listed in Revo Uninstaller Pro or in Windows Add/Remove Programs Control Panel applet. Forced Uninstall gives power to the user but still keeps the safety and the accuracy of the results. It is very useful when the installation is corrupted and cannot continue further. Forced Uninstall is the best solution when you have to remove partially installed programs, partially uninstalled programs, and programs not listed as installed at all. 
  • Another way to uninstall a program with Revo Uninstaller Pro or few programs at once is to use the Quick Uninstall command. The sequence of actions is similar to the regular Uninstall command of Revo Uninstaller Pro, but when it comes to the step where you have to review and delete the leftovers, the Quick Uninstall operation deletes the leftovers automatically reporting to you the number of deleted leftovers; and in case you have selected more than one program for uninstall, automatically starts the uninstall of the next selected program 
 Real-Time Installation Monitor 
  • Revo Uninstaller Pro has a feature that allows monitoring of installation of a program. It detects system changes during that installation and the process is done in real time – simultaneously! Real-Time installation monitor is the most advanced and innovative technology used today! This technology is unique among the rest of the uninstallers. That is why it offers the easiest and the fastest way to monitor installations, so when the program is no longer needed the system changes made by the installation of the monitored program could be fully reverted as the program has never been installed before! It is so easy to use that requires only 3 mouse clicks to accomplish the whole process! 
 Logs Database
  • This is a database of logs of traced programs through the monitoring module of Revo Uninstaller Pro made and managed by Revo Uninstaller Pro's team. That logs are stored on our web server and you can easily (with one click only) use them to uninstall programs or to uninstall leftovers of already uninstalled program. Using a log from the Logs Database is the same as if you have made the log and traced the program by yourself. So, even installing Revo Uninstaller Pro on a fully loaded computer with a lot of installed programs, you can take an advantage of the possibility for better and complete uninstall using the logs from the Logs Database, as you only have to search for the program you want to uninstall and select Uninstall command. 
 Manage installation logs
  • You have a full control over the traced logs. You can edit their data and properties, export or import a log to your Revo Uninstaller Pro.The Edit command let you see all traced changes on hte file system and Registry. The Export and Import Log commands let you share logs with anybody using Revo Uninstaller Pro quite easily thus being sure you are doing the ultimate uninstall of the programs you have installed. For example, if you have problems uninstalling Program A or just want to do a better uninstall of Program A and a friend of yours has installed and traced the same program and has a log, he can just export the log and send it to you. You can import it and use it to uninstall the program as just as if you have traced it. 
 Multi-Level Backup System
  • Revo Uninstaller Pro creates backups of removed registry keys, values, files and folders. Backup Manager is the main part of that system. It helps you to manage backup information stored by Revo Uninstaller Pro after deletion registry entries, files and folders. 
  • The other levels of the backup system are:
  • Creating system restore point before each uninstall
  • Full Registry backup before each uninstall
  • Full Registry backup once each day Revo Uninstaller Pro is started
 Hunter Mode 
  • This is a special, innovative feature of Revo uninstaller which indeed has two sub modes – Hunter mode and Drag and drop mode. This mode is giving you a flexibility to uninstall applications with one click (stop or delete) by simply dragging and dropping program icons to the Hunter icon or by dragging the Hunter window, with the mouse cursor, over desktop icons, quick launch toolbar, in the system tray or to the open program's window. 
 Junk Files Cleaner
  • Junk Files Cleaner allows you to find and remove various types of junk and unnecessary files from your computer. Junk files are created by many of the Windows applications. Normally, such files are deleted by the application that created them as soon as they do not need them, but they may remain permanently on your hard drive if there is an unexpected termination of the parent application, a system crash, etc. Cleaning junk temporary files will free a lot of hard disk space. 
 Windows Tools

  • There are a lot of handy and useful tools and components bundled with every Windows operating system. Unfortunately, some have complex command line options and others are just plain difficult to access. The Revo Uninstaller feature Windows Tools gives fast, one-click access to more than ten Windows utilities used in daily PC management. Available tools are: System Restore, Network Diagnostics, Network Information, Security Center, System Properties, System Information, TCP/IP Netstat Command, On-Screen Keyboard, Disk Defragmenter, Services, Shared Folders, Group Policy. 
 Autorun Manager
  • Auto Run Manager allows you to manage programs which load automatically at Windows startup.With this tool you can not only enable or disable applications from auto starting at Windows startup, but you can also get more detailed information about them, e.g. the program’s publisher, description, launch path (where it is saved on your computer), status of the application (if it’s running or not) and more. Stopping programs from automatically starting will increase the speed of loading your Windows. 
 Browsers Cleaner
  • Your browser records detailed record of every web site you’ve ever visited. It’s easily accessible from your browser window and by simply pressing a button, anyone can see where you’ve been browsing on the web! Revo Uninstaller erases web site history of web browsers including Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape and Opera. With Browsers Cleaner you can also delete temporary internet files which include all the images you’ve viewed, all the online videos you’ve watched and all the web pages you’ve visited. Deleting temporary internet files will free up a lot of valuable hard disk space on your computer. 
 MS Office Cleaner 
  • MS Office Cleaner allows you to remove history of most recently used files in MS Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint and Front Page. If you do not want somebody else to see your last opened or edited spreadsheets, documents or other files created using MS Office just select those you do not want and click Clear.Your most recently used files will no more be listed. 
 Windows Cleaner
  • Microsoft Windows keeps tracks of many things that you do with your computer like file search history when you search for file and folders; recently opened document history; open/save history used in standard open/save dialogs from different applications installed on your computer; start menu clicks history; last opened registry key history and more. 
 Evidence Remover 
  • Deleting your files and folders does not mean that they are gone forever. When you empty Windows Recycle Bin your files and folders are just marked as deleted but they are not erased physically. There is a chance to recover deleted data from 10 years or older PC and this data may be very important and confidential. With any recovery tool or un-delete program you can easily get back your important documents and other files that you have deleted. And here comes Evidence Remove tool of Revo Uninstaller. 
Unrecoverable Delete
  • If you want securely delete file or folder and want to be sure that no body with any tool could recover these files or folders use Unrecoverable Delete. Deleting files and emptying Windows Recycle Bin does not mean that these files are gone forever. They are still on your Hard Disk Drive or other storage but marked as deleted. Any body with a tool available free or commercial could recover deleted data very easily. Unrecoverable Delete tool of Revo Uninstaller tool makes it impossible to recover your deleted data - even with the most advanced and expensive tools on the market. 

Revo Uninstaller Pro support the following
Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Bulgarian, Chinese (Simplified, Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hellenic, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Kurdish, Macedonian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese-Brazil, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese 

Link Download tersedia dibawah. Revo Uninstaller Pro 3.0.1 ini masih trial version, tapi sobat blogger tenang saja. karena aku juga menyediakan crack untuk Revo Uninstaller Pro 3.0.1 ini. Langsung aj ke TKP sob..

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